Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Re-newable Energy

There is great excitement and enthusiasm abounding at Emmanuel Episcopal Church these days. The energy is palpable and for that gift we give God thanks and praise. While we are increasing our level of communication with our parish regarding activities and events, there are other "behind the scenes" things that are happening in and around Emmanuel.

TV Ads...that's right, TV Ads!...will soon begin airing on NewsCenter1 and KEVN. Approval was given by the Vestry and funding was offered by the Renewal Committee. These ads are simple in design and are part of discounts that have been offered, making these spots affordable. NewsCenter1 has offered a Holiday Ad discount. KEVN offers a discount to new members of the Chamber of Commerce which qualifies us to receive that discount. The ads will begin airing in November on a variety of channels that both stations own. The goal is simply to increase our name recognition and become a visible part of the community. Any growth that flows out of the ads is purely God's gift to us as are those whom He sends to us through the ads.

In addition to the TV Ads, parishioner and Vestry Member Richard Jones has offered us the space on a billboard on his property which faces I-90 near New Underwood. The billboard announces to motorists that "Emmanuel Episcopal Church welcomes you to the Black Hills!" We are grateful to Richard for his generosity for use of the billboard. We are also thankful to Les Koss, Key Parker and Diane Wilson for their input on making it become a reality.

We are hoping to sponsor the live broadcast on NPR of Nine Lessons and Carols by the King's College Choir which is aired on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Emmanuel Episcopal Church will have its own version of Nine Lessons and Carols for the Christmas Eve services. More information on both versions of Nine Lessons and Carols will be forthcoming.

We were featured in a recent article in the Rapid City Journal. If you missed the paper that Sunday, you can see the article by clicking here.

Emmanuel Episcopal Church is now a proud member of the Chamber of Commerce of Rapid City. Our local Chamber is a leader in the development of our city, especially in the planning of our collective future. Being a member affords us multiple opportunities to engage in activities and groups which promote our goal of furthering our name recognition. If anyone is interested in representing Emmanuel Episcopal Church by becoming involved in Chamber of Commerce activities, please let Fr. Chris know by emailing him at

The Luciano family has done an incredible job of videotaping and uploading the Nicene Creed presentations. They've also spent time creating a YouTube channel and uploading last year's presentations for the 125th Anniversary of Emmanuel Episcopal Church. We thank them for their quiet and diligent efforts. Click here to find the YouTube Channel!

Our Liturgical Team has been working on making plans to implement some minor adjustments to our liturgy for Advent this year. Our goal is for a more fluid liturgical experience among those serving. A liturgical training session will be held on Wednesday, November 13 at 6:30 p.m. following our Celebration Dinner that night. Everyone is invited to attend, whether have served for years, are just starting out or don't serve at all, but are interested in what's going on.

Advent is right around the corner and we're making plans to have Evensong on Wednesday nights in Advent. More information will come as it's made available.

For more "front page" news regarding Food Baskets at Thanksgiving, Angel Tree at Christmas, our regularly scheduled Cornerstone Mission Feeding, committees, groups, etc, please visit our website here or check out the latest issue of the Emmanuel Light.

All of these efforts seek to fulfill our mission statement: "To Know Our Lord and To Make Him Known."

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ice and Snow Bless The Lord!

This weekend's blizzard is a reminder that we aren't in control. God's creation is powerful and we must always respect it. The display of God's power leaves us with a sense of humility and awe. That humility and awe is fuel for our faith. This weekend's gospel from St. Luke tells of the disciple's desire to have their faith deepened. Jesus, in turn, tells them that if their faith were the size of a mustard seed, it would be enough to tell the mulberry bush to cast itself into the sea. It would be like Jesus telling us that if our faith were the size of a Choke Cherry, it would be enough to tell the presidents on Mt. Rushmore to climb off the mountain. The point is that our faith is not quantifiable. Even the most minute of faiths can be as powerful as a South Dakota Blizzard in October!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Blizzard Greetings!

Emmanuel Episcopal Church of Rapid City, South Dakota is launching this blog to keep members and others who may be interested connected to what has happened, is happening and will happen.  We are testing the blogger format to see how it might best supplement what we have available on our website (, our FaceBook page and our general news emails. If you have any questions, please let us know by emailing us at:

Meanwhile, we're getting set for our first blizzard of the season. May the warmth of God's love keep all of his human family free from harm and danger. Amen.