Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ice and Snow Bless The Lord!

This weekend's blizzard is a reminder that we aren't in control. God's creation is powerful and we must always respect it. The display of God's power leaves us with a sense of humility and awe. That humility and awe is fuel for our faith. This weekend's gospel from St. Luke tells of the disciple's desire to have their faith deepened. Jesus, in turn, tells them that if their faith were the size of a mustard seed, it would be enough to tell the mulberry bush to cast itself into the sea. It would be like Jesus telling us that if our faith were the size of a Choke Cherry, it would be enough to tell the presidents on Mt. Rushmore to climb off the mountain. The point is that our faith is not quantifiable. Even the most minute of faiths can be as powerful as a South Dakota Blizzard in October!

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