Monday, February 24, 2014

Book References

In my sermon on Sunday, February 23, I read an excerpt from a book titled "Understanding Difficult Scriptures in a Healing Way" by Matthew Linn, Sheila Linn and Dennis Linn. The excerpt I read came from a chapter that addressed the gospel of the day which was Matthew 5:38-48 where we hear Jesus teach us about the law of "Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth." If you are interested in purchasing the book, you can find it through here or through your favorite bookseller.

In that sermon, I also mentioned another book by the Linn family titled "Good Goats: Healing Our Understanding of God." This is the book that I often reference as having changed my life and my relationship with God during a difficult, painful and vulnerable time. If you're interested in finding this book, you can do so through here or through your favorite bookseller.

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