Monday, July 7, 2014

Roundtable 2: Parish Groups

Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Rapid City, South Dakota 

June 29, 2014

Roundtable Discussion 2:


On Sunday, June 29, 2014, an open-forum discussion was held at Emmanuel Episcopal Church to discuss the purposes of our parish groups and envisioning general goals for all groups collectively.

Though extensive in content and participation which would be impossible to record in its entirety, a very brief outline of the discussion follows:

1.       What groups are there at Emmanuel (in no particular order)?

a.      Altar Guild
b.      Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
c.       Vestry
d.      Daughters of the King (Black Hills Chapter)
e.      Choir
f.        Youth Group
g.      Outreach
h.     Book Groups
i.        Grants Committee
j.        Bible Study
k.      Social Committee
l.        Liturgical (i.e. LEM, Greeters, Ushers,  Lectors, etc.)
m.   Pastoral Care Committee
n.     Health/Wellness Committee
o.      Grounds/Buildings Caretakers
p.      Fiber Guild (i.e. knitting, cross-stitch, etc.)
q.      Celebration Dinner
r.       Sunday School
s.       Library Caretakers
t.       Prayer Intercessors
u.     Convention Delegates

2.      What groups are inactive or should be considered for the future?

a.      Welcome/New Comers Committee
b.      Finance Committee (Currently proposed by the Vestry)
c.       Centering Prayer
d.      5 Guilds (including: St. Margaret Guild, Dorcas, et. al.)
e.      Men’s Groups (i.e. formerly “King’s Men”)

3.      What is the focus/purpose of each group?

a.      Altar Guild – Care, preparation, and sanctity of the worship space, vessels, etc.

b.      ECW – Provide food, dishes, hospitality (i.e. “Ministry of the Kitchen”)

c.       Vestry – Manage temporal affairs of the church; 3 primary areas of responsibility:

                                                              i.      Fiscal (or ‘fiduciary’)

                                                           ii.      Physical Plant

                                                         iii.      Leadership in the finding, hiring and working collaboratively with a priest

d.      Daughters of the King – Prayer, service, and evangelism

e.      Choir – Lead congregation in worship musically

f.        Youth Group – Educate and engage young (Middle School, High School and Young Adults)

g.      Outreach – Ministry outside our walls; facilitate interaction with outside organizations/groups (i.e. Habitat for Humanity, Love INC, WAVI, Cornerstone Rescue Mission, etc.)

h.     Book Groups – Education and spiritual growth through mutual support

i.        Grants Committee – Recommend to Vestry endowment grants from the John T. Vucurevich grant

j.        Bible Study – Bible study; increase spirituality

k.      Social Committee – Fun activities for congregation; fellowship

l.        Liturgical – Worship support and participation; guide adherence to rubrics for worship in an Episcopal context

m.   Pastoral Care – Provide for the spiritual needs of parishioners and non-parishioners (i.e. Hospital visits, homebound visits, Stephen Ministry, etc.)

*NOTE: Due to time limitations, the discussion of group focus and goals was stopped at this point. Hereafter is a summation of my own understanding of the goals of the remaining groups:

n.     Health/Wellness Committee – Provide counsel and advice on the integration between healthy living and spirituality.

o.      Grounds/Building Caretakers – Volunteer to maintain the garden areas and building maintenance needs.

p.      Fiber Guild – Fellowship through a shared interest

q.      Celebration Dinner – Coordinate bi-monthly meals, volunteers, menus, etc for fellowship

r.       Sunday School – Determine curriculum, identify volunteers, and enthusiastically teach/introduce children to the Word of God and the life of the Church

s.       Library Caretakers – Identify and articulate parish-wide the purpose of the parish library and coordinate library contents accordingly

t.       Prayer Intercessors – Pray daily for lists of needs provided them through the life of the church

u.     Convention Delegates – Represent Emmanuel at diocesan convention and communicate diocesan needs/news to local parishioners

4.      What are the goals for groups as a whole?

a.      Evaluate need for inclusive language in names, titles or descriptions of various groups so as not to exclude individuals unintentionally (i.e. Episcopal Church Women might consider an organizational name so as to welcome the presence of men). An alternative understanding of this reality was proposed, however, acknowledging that having a men’s group for men to fellowship and share spiritual conversation might be of great benefit to them. Future prayer and discussion on this matter may be necessary.

b.      Representation from each parish group to serve on the proposed Leadership Committee.

c.       Increase collaboration and communication between groups.

d.      That each group identify the way(s) in which they live out our common parish-wide mission of “To Know Our Lord and To Make Him Known.”

e.      Increase visibility by groups on the website changes proposed for 2015.

f.        Intentional increase in membership and participation through direct and personal invitations.

Unfortunately, the lively discussion was cut short by time constraints. The apparent enthusiasm and interest conveys a liveliness at Emmanuel among our congregation and the groups represented at the meeting.

Due to the constraints of time, the group was unable to address the topic of when the ministries fair should be held. Traditionally it is held in September, however, the Stewardship Drive doesn’t take place until later in the fall. It seems that the two could potentially be tied together for a more integrated approach to stewardship. Future discussion on this specific issue may be held at another roundtable discussion.

The parish groups provide opportunities for parishioners to put into action the faith which we profess. As the Letter of St. James says, “Be doers of the word and not hearers only” (James 1:22) and “…faith without works is dead” (James 2:26).

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